Global address and data routers interconnect individual system units each having its own processors, memory, and I/O. A domain filter coupled to the routers dynamically defines groups of system units as domains and clusters of domains which have both software and hardware isolation from each other. Clusters can share dynamically definable ranges of memory with each other. The domain filter has software-loadable registers on the system units and in the global routers to set the parameters of the domains and clusters. The registers label individual inter-system transactions on the routers as invalid for system units not in the same domain or cluster as the originating unit.


< System for adjusting resource allocation to a logical partition based on rate of page swaps and utilization by changing a boot configuration file

< Authenticating third party products via a secure extensibility model

> Register indirect access of program floating point registers by millicode

> Filtering a list of available install items for an install program based on a consumer's install policy

~ 00600