Tall, lightweight folding shopping cart (FIG. 1) provides high-level detachable basket (44U) for easy basket transfers down to checkout counter, car trunk and home counter or table. Basket-support ledges (43U and 43L) on cart enable transfer of basket weight by sliding leverage rather than by lifting. Additional container (44L) increases cart capacity and flexibility in use. With baskets removed, cart serves as an all-purpose vehicle, ready to carry a strapped-on golf bag, luggage (FIG. 6), garden materials, furniture and other household burdens. Its lightweight folding character encourages new uses where carts have rarely gone before. On a family camping trip, for example, it can carry a folded tent to the campsite, and later deliver an ice chest of drinks and a food basket to the beach. Wheels (36L and 36R) are mounted for quick detachment to increase the storage compactness of an unloaded cart.

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