Where code execution results in an error attributable to multiple data
elements, the code is revised so the error results from one element.
Where execution improperly functions without error, and the elements
contain required but missing properties, the code is improperly
functioning in its required-property handling. Errors are organized into
classes and error-causing elements are organized into independent sets
corresponding to the classes. Elements that are not within any set are
determined. Symptom, error, no-error, refined-symptom, and function
databases can be employed during code execution analysis. Symptom
database entries correspond to elements and indicate errors, or that no
errors, are attributable to the elements. Error database entries
correspond to elements resulting in errors upon execution. No-error
database entries correspond to elements resulting in no errors upon
execution. Refined-symptom database entries correspond to root cause
elements of errors. Function database entries correspond to root cause
elements of no errors.