An exercise apparatus includes a frame and handles mounted on the frame
and moveable by a user in opposite directions. The handles are coupled to
a transmission so that movement of the handles by a user create
rotational movement of a transmission input, movement of the handles in
one direction creating rotational movement of the transmission input in
one direction and movement of the handles in the opposite direction
creating rotational movement of the transmission input in the opposite
direction. The transmission couples the transmission input to a
resistance means, such as an eddy current resistance device, in a manner
to provide a different resistance to rotation of the transmission input
depending upon the direction of rotation of the transmission input. Thus,
the resistance to rotational movement of the transmission input in one
rotational direction is greater than it is in the opposite rotational
direction. This coupling can be accomplished by converting rotational
movement of the transmission input in opposite directions into an output
having only one direction of rotation and coupling the output to a single
resistance element, or the transmission can couple a shaft that rotates
in opposite directions to two resistance elements so that rotation in one
direction is resisted by one resistance element and rotation in the
opposite direction is resisted by the other resistance element.