An apparatus for the spatial localization of a moveable body part, in
which the body part is situated inside a movement volume on the surface
extending as far as to the inside of a living being. The apparatus
includes: at least one optical recording apparatus outside the being, at
least one meterable fluorophore which can be introduced in the region of
the body part, an extrinsic radiation source which is arranged outside
the being and from which radiation propagates in the direction of the
movement volume, by way of which spectral excitation of the fluorophore
takes place in that a wave emitted by the fluorophore is produced and can
be determined at least at a wavelength which can be measured by the
optical recording apparatus, the optical recording apparatus has at least
one optical axis which can be oriented in the direction of the body part
and the movement volume thereof, the optical recording apparatus has at
least one optoelectric transducer which is perpendicular to the optical
axis and outputs an output signal from which a distance between the
fluorophore and a reference point can be determined.