X rays are emitted without injecting an angiographic contrast material, and a non-injection image acquiring device 7 acquires a non-injection image in the angiographic contrast material non-injection state. X rays are emitted after injecting the angiographic contrast material, and an injection image acquiring device 8 acquires an injection image in the angiographic contrast material injection state. A blood vessel locus image acquiring device 9 superimposes the non-injection image and injection image acquired, and processes image data of a DSA image obtained in each of the non-injection state and injection state of the angiographic contrast material to acquire a blood vessel locus image. An image processing device 10 carries out a black-and-white reversal of the blood vessel locus image acquired, and the blood vessel is displayed in white. Beam hardening filters are inserted, and X-ray fluoroscopic radiography is carried out while inserting a guide wire W into the blood vessel. An image superposing device 11 superimposes the X-ray fluoroscopic image and the blood vessel locus image. A composite image acquired is displayed on a display monitor 15.

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