An optical grating is disposed on a waveguide to redirect light from the interior of the waveguide through the opposite side of the waveguide from the grating. In one embodiment the waveguide, the grating, and an optical sensor are combined in a single monolithic structure. In another embodiment, an absorbing layer is directly connected to the waveguide in the region of the grating. In still another embodiment, efficiency of the grating is improved by having a high index contrast between the refractive index of the grating and the refractive index of the cladding disposed over the grating, and by having an appropriately sized discontinuity in the grating.


< Bidirectional wavelength cross connect architectures using wavelength routing elements

< Laterally-confined holographic spectral filters

> Hybrid planar lightwave circuit with reflective gratings

> Wafer based optical interconnect

~ 00606