Methods for modulating inflammation by administering HIF-1.alpha.
inhibitors or compounds affecting HIF-1.alpha. expression and/or
transcriptional activities are disclosed. HIF-1.alpha. affecting
compounds include compounds that directly inhibit HIF-1.alpha. and/or
interfere into expression of other proteins and regulation of biochemical
pathways that target HIF-1.alpha. for degradation in vivo. Also disclosed
are methods to enhance the inflammatory response and the destruction of
pathogens (e.g., viruses, bacteria) and thereby preventing or minimizing
pathogen-induced tissue injury. Also disclosed are methods to enhance the
anti-tumor T cell response and the destruction of cancerous tumors and
thereby preventing or minimizing metastasis-induced tissue injury. Also
provided are methods to accomplish the opposite goal and decrease
collateral damage by overactive T cells and thereby protect tissues of
vital organs in a novel anti-inflammatory treatment.