Digital pre-downloading of high bandwidth digital data is performed
through a system gateway based on selective filtering, scheduling, and
end user device requirements. Digital broadcasting systems are used to
push large bandwidth data during non-peak periods (e.g., in the early AM
hours) or during times of other relative network or end user device
inactivity. Digital data, such as background images, song compilations,
artist compilations, newspapers, e-books, digital purchases of other
data, maps of local areas based on, for example, GPS based location
detection, etc., are pre-downloaded and stored in the end user (client)
device, e.g., a car digital radio or other consumer electronic device
with display flag turned off. The device is subscriber preconfigured to
selectively filter and retain (e.g., in local cache memory) a desired
portion of the data broadcast. Later, a command is sent to activate the
contents for subscriber presentation. Delta updates, if received, are
pushed in real-time. Real-time updates are matched to the corresponding
pre-downloaded data at specific scheduled times. The updates
predominantly comprise a refresh of only the changes (delta) to the data
(e.g., traffic updates).