The invention is concerned with the transmission of streaming scalable
data, particularly video data, through lossy communication channels, for
applications in which limited retransmission is possible, and the
associated reception and decoding of transmitted data. The PET (Priority
Encoding Transmission) framework is used and the invention exploits both
unequal error protection and limited retransmission. Each element in the
scalable representation of each frame can be transmitted in one or both
of two transmission slots, depending on the availability of the data
received from the first of the two transmission slots. An optimization
algorithm determines the level of protection which should be assigned to
each element in each slot, subject to transmission bandwidth constraints.
To balance the protection assigned to elements which are being
transmitted for the first time with those which are being retransmitted,
the proposed algorithm in preferred embodiments formulates a collection
of hypotheses concerning its own behavior in future transmission slots.