The entire data path of a synchronous integrated circuit device is
initialized in a test mode upon power-up of the synchronous integrated
circuit device. Upon power-up of the integrated circuit device in the
test mode, a clock signal (either an external clock signal or an
associated internal clock signal) is internally clocked. As the clock
signal goes to a low logic state upon power-up of the device, a master
latch .[.(flip-flop).]. .Iadd.flip-flop .Iaddend.element of the
integrated circuit device is loaded with data and is allowed to conduct;
a slave latch .[.(flip-flop).]. .Iadd.flip-flop .Iaddend.element of the
integrated circuit device does not conduct. As the clock signal goes to a
high logic state, the data in the master latch is latched. Also upon the
high logic state of the clock, the slave latch element is loaded with
data and is allowed to conduct.