A new cultivar of Hydrangea macrophylla named `Kompeito` that is characterized by its re-blooming habit with inflorescences produced from early summer until fall with removal of spent blooms, its consistently well formed, large sized, lacecap type inflorescences with a mass of fertile flowers surrounded by large double flowers on long petioles and smaller double flowers with sepals having white margins and centers that are blue to pink in color depending on soil acidity and aluminum uptake, its compact growth habit, and its hardiness at least in U.S.D.A. Zones 5 to 9.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Japanese Zelkova tree named `JFS-KW1`

< Holly tree named `IABOF`

> Dianthus plant named `Stardust`

> Alstroemeria plant named "Zaprimma"

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