The RGB values of each pixel in every frame are converted into ideal
tristimulus values X, Y, and Z. Based on a chromaticity-histogram based
on the tristimulus values X, Y, and Z and a color gamut for each Y value
corrected in accordance with a backlight-brightness, an xy error count
generation unit obtains the number of chromaticity errors for each of a
plurality of backlight-brightnesses. A lightness-histogram is created
based on the RGB signals for each frame. Based on the histogram and a
lightness higher than a maximum tone after correction according to the
backlight-brightness, a lightness error count generation unit obtains the
number of lightness errors for each of the plurality of
backlight-brightnesses. An error minimum BL-brightness detection unit
decides an optimum backlight-brightness based on the number of
chromaticity errors and the number of lightness errors. A tone conversion
unit performs tone conversion in accordance with the