A method and a system for discovering knowledge from text documents are disclosed, which involve extracting from text documents semi-structured meta-data, wherein the semi-structured meta-data includes a plurality of entities and a plurality of relations between the entities; identifying from the semi-structured meta-data a plurality of key entities and a corresponding plurality of key relations; deriving from a domain knowledge base a plurality of attributes relating to each of the plurality of entities relating to one of the plurality of key entities for forming a plurality of pairs of key entity and a plurality of attributes related thereto; formulating a plurality of patterns, each of the plurality of patterns relating to one of the plurality of pairs of key entity and a plurality of attributes related thereto; analyzing the plurality of patterns using an associative discoverer; and interpreting the output of the associative discoverer for discovering knowledge.

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< Consistent weighted sampling of multisets and distributions

< System for supporting user's behavior

> Network management system utilizing a neural network

> Methods, software, and systems for knowledge base coordination

~ 00615