One embodiment of the invention comprises a differential composite in
which bone cement everywhere or substantially everywhere contains at
least some non-zero volume fraction of particles, and in which the local
volume fraction of particles may vary from place to place in the
composite in a controlled manner. The variation may be by identifiable
region or may be in the form of a gradient of the local volume fraction
of particles. In at least some places, the local volume fraction of
particles may be such that the particles act as crack arrestors. Close to
the interface with natural bone, the local volume fraction of particles
may be greater. In at least some places adjoining natural bone, the local
volume fraction of particles may be such as to allow bone ingrowth into
appropriate region(s) of the composite, resulting in improved interfacial
shear strength. Methods and apparatuses for producing and delivering the
composite are also disclosed, which may include use of an introducer and
an expandable basket-type device.