A method of assisting recovery of an injury site of the central nervous
system (CNS) or treating a disease includes providing a therapeutic dose
of X-ray radiation to a target volume through an array of parallel
microplanar beams. The dose to treat CNS injury temporarily removes
regeneration inhibitors from the irradiated site. Substantially
unirradiated cells surviving between beams migrate to the in-beam portion
and assist recovery. The dose may be staggered in fractions over sessions
using angle-variable intersecting microbeam arrays (AVIMA). Additional
doses are administered by varying the orientation of the beams. The
method is enhanced by injecting stem cells into the injury site. One
array or the AVIMA method is applied to ablate selected cells in a target
volume associated with disease for palliative or curative effect. Atrial
fibrillation is treated by irradiating the atrial wall to destroy
myocardial cells while continuously rotating the subject.