There are a number of sensors (2, 22) such as thermocouples which can
provide a putative measurand signal which is within a predicted range for
such signals whilst the sensor is incorrectly operating, such as as due
to an open circuit. Techniques and processes are available to determine
by interrogation sensor operational validity, but these can distort the
measurand signal if correct. By time division multiplex techniques the
present arrangement takes a putative measurand signal from a sensor (2,
22) in order that either within the same time division or more normally a
separate time division, an interrogation of the sensor is performed in
order to determine accuracy and therefore validity of the sensor 22. In
such circumstances, the putative measurand signal from the sensor 22 is
dynamically verified by the interrogator 23 to allow greater confidence
with respect to interpretation, if an invalid sensor operation is
determined, then a pre-defined value for that sensor failure can be
output for the data signal.