A scent area (14) is integrated into or attached to a food label (12). The scent area (14) preferably contains the scent and/or taste of the contents within the food container (10). The scent area (14) preferably includes scratch and sniff technology and/or is covered with a peel-off type cover to preserve the freshness of the scent area (14) during shipping and storage. Pets, can then sniff or lick the scent areas (14) from an assortment of food containers (10) and show a preference for a meal selection. In a further embodiment, a row, column, or array of spaced-apart scent areas can be presented to a pet, and through sniff and/or taste the pet can indicate the types or flavors of food preferred. Similarly, food-scented cards, game pieces, or toys can be presented to a pet who can select a card, game piece, or toy to indicate the type and/or flavor of food preferred for the next meal. The pet owner could also use the preference indications to purchase preferred food types and/or flavors.

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< Wine region board and card game

> Identifying, processing and caching object fragments in a web environment

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