A distinct cultivar of Chrysanthemum plant named `Rose Delano`, characterized by its upright, outwardly spreading and uniformly mounded plant habit; freely branching habit, full and dense plants; large dark green leaves; uniform flowering; early flowering, eight-week response time; large decorative-type inflorescences that are about 11.5 cm in diameter; the ray floret color of plants of the new Chrysanthemum can range from a cream yellow at the base with dark purple-colored apices to mostly cream yellow with occasional dark purple flecking; and good to excellent postproduction longevity with inflorescences and leaves maintaining good substance and color for about three weeks in an interior environment.

Um cultivar distinto da planta do chrysanthemum nomeou o ` Rosa Delano`, caracterizou-o por sua verticalidade, externa espalhando e mounded uniformemente o hábito de planta; hábito livremente ramificando, completamente e plantas densas; folhas escuras grandes do verde; flowering do uniforme; cedo flowering, tempo de resposta eight-week; decorativo-tipo grande inflorescences que é aproximadamente 11.5 cm no diâmetro; a cor do floret do raio das plantas do chrysanthemum novo pode variar de um amarelo do creme na base com os apices roxo-coloridos escuros na maior parte ao amarelo de creme com flecking roxo escuro ocasional; e bom ao longevity excelente do postproduction com os inflorescences e as folhas que mantêm a substância boa e à cor por aproximadamente três semanas em um ambiente interior.

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< (none)

< Apple tree `Joburn`

> Interspecific tree named `Flavorfall`

> (none)

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