A motor vehicle differential bearing pre-load mechanism which provides for
the simultaneous use of a collapsible spacer which plastically deforms and
has a close to linear load to deflection band on one side of a motor
vehicle differential assembly and a threaded adjuster on the other side of
the motor vehicle differential assembly to axially pre-load the
differential bearings in motor vehicle differential axles or on any shaft
with bearings which requires an axial pre-load. Typically, the axial
pre-load of the differential bearings decreases as wear of the
differential bearings occurs when mechanical shims or a threaded adjuster
without a collapsible spacer have been used. In practice, once the motor
vehicle differential case with the differential bearings is installed in
the motor vehicle differential carrier with a new non-compressed
collapsible spacer, the threaded adjuster is tightened until the
collapsible spacer plastically deforms and until the ring gear and the
pinion gear are adjusted to provide an appropriate gap between the pinion
teeth and the ring gear teeth to provide proper backlash.