A transparent chromogenic panel in which color changes are selectively effectable over predefined areas comprises a pair of facing glass substrates each covered with a conductive layer divided into individual energizeable areas each provided with as set of busbars. An electrochromic electrode layer overlies at least one of the conductive layers. An insulating adhesive sealant spaces apart the substrates and insulates the busbar sets from each other and from exposure to the electrolyte and the electrochromic layer, so that each busbar set may be individually energizeable to effect a color change through a respective one of the individual areas. A passive layer is advantageously superimposed over one of the substrates, its color being chosen so that the color and the transmissivity of the passive layer accommodates the range of color change and transmissivity of the electrochromic layer to maintain the transmitted color of the panel in a warm or neutral shade.

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