An exhaust system for an internal combustion engine has special
accommodations for preventing the pooling of water in the passageways of
the exhaust system. One or more of the components of the exhaust system
such as mufflers and or sections of exhaust tubing etc. have absorbent
liners disposed at points within said exhaust system where water is likely
to pool. The absorbent liners wick moisture away from the inner surfaces
of the exhaust components in which they are disposed. Moisture is held
within the absorbent liners until the temperature of the exhaust system
rises enough to evaporate the moisture at which time the water vapor exits
the exhaust system with the combustion products of the internal combustion
engine. The absorbent liners are of a size and shape and are positioned
within the exhaust system components such that they present minimal
restriction to flow of combustion products through the exhaust system.