The comprehensive global information network broadcasting system and
implementation thereof is designed to be used to provide a plurality of,
what is commonly referred to as, Internet service providers with updated
information through the use of high speed satellite links directly to the
local Internet service provider from a centralized location. The satellite
broadcasting system is combined with servers known as caching or proxy
servers located at the client site which serve to store web and other data
until the end user needs to access the data and a master cache center
which coordinates the selection and transmission of information to those
client sites via the satellite broadcasting system. The caching of data
objects as close to the end user as possible will require less data to
transit the backbones networks. The client site cache communicates to the
master cache center via a connection to the Internet and the client site
cache receives from the master cache center via the satellite broadcasting
system and, in some cases, the Internet connection. Upon the receipt of a
request from an Internet service provider, the information at the master
cache will be transmitted from a ground station to a satellite and will be
broadcast to all receiving Internet service providers using the broadcast
system which overlays a capability onto the existing Internet that will
allow real broadcast so that the data object can be transmitted once and
received at all subscriber locations.