An improved system and method for specifying physical locations when using
applications run on navigation systems or other computer platforms that
provide navigation- or map-related functions. When requesting a
navigation- or map-related function from such an application, a user
specifies a physical location using a keyword instead of specifying the
physical location conventionally, such as by street address. A keyword
database relates keywords to physical locations. The application uses the
keyword database, or a copy thereof, to find data indicating the physical
location associated with the keyword specified by the user. Preferably,
physical locations are defined in the keyword database in terms of data in
a corresponding navigable database. The application then performs the
requested navigation- or map-related function using the data indicating
the physical location associated with the keyword. The keyword database is
built using input from users. An online system is provided that users can
access to associate keywords with physical locations. A user accessing the
online system is presented with a map from which a physical location can
be selected. A keyword, which may be selected by the user, is associated
with the selected physical location. The keyword is stored in the keyword
database along with data indicating the associated physical location.
Keywords can be related to each other in order to facilitate navigation
applications that involve routing through multiple locations.