A wheel bearing assembly for supporting a wheel is provided. The assembly
includes a spindle defining a rotational axis and a support member for
supporting the spindle. A wheel hub has a flange for securing the wheel
thereto. The wheel hub is supported on the spindle and is rotatable about
the rotational axis. A bearing assembly has first and second bearing
members in spaced relationship from one another with a plurality of
bearings interposed between the bearing members to permit relative
rotation between the bearing members about the rotational axis. The first
bearing member is arranged adjacent to the spindle and the second bearing
member is arranged adjacent to either the wheel hub or the support member.
An inner surface of the first bearing member has an annular counterbore.
The spindle is deformed into the counterbore to axially secure the first
bearing member to the spindle and prevent relative rotation between the
spindle and the first bearing member about the rotational axis. This
minimizes both axial bearing length and spindle member distortion.