Pharmaceutical compositions of biologically active polypeptides in powder form suitable for nasal administration, comprising a therapeutically effective amount of a biologically active polypeptide and a water-soluble polysaccharide.

As composições pharmaceutical de polypeptides biològica ativos no pó dão forma a apropriado para a administração nasal, compreendendo uma quantidade therapeutically eficaz de um polypeptide biològica ativo e de um polysaccharide water-soluble.


< Polysaccharide material for direct compression

< Potato-based fabricated snacks made from continuously sheeted doughs and methods for controlling the texture and organoleptical properties thereof

> G-CSF polypeptides and conjugates

> Esterified polysaccharide products and B-lactone ring opened ketene dimer products containing the compositions, and process of making the same

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