A transdermal drug delivery system having at least one patch (20) with an
electrosmotic, electro porous membrane (26) comprised of an inert
biochemical substance which becomes actively electro-osmotic when an
electric charge is passed through the membrane enabling a drug solution
passing through to a skin surface to create an electroporative effect. The
patch may be powered by a battery, an external power source (82), or
self-powered by an auto-bio-fuel cell which acts as a battery during drug
solution saturation. Multiple patches may be configured as a linked patch
unit for use with a flexible cuff apparatus (70) to provide
circumferential treatment of a body part. A network of supply tubes (66)
may be connected to an external reservoir (68) to provide a slow supply of
medicated fluid to each patch. A titration regulator (72) is in
communication with the transdermal patch to regulate permanent flow to the