The invention provides a device for inhibiting unused adhesive paste held
within a commercially available dispensing squeeze tube from becoming
unwanted hardened solids trapped within the mouth and nozzle of the
squeeze tube. The invention provides a knurled knob or knurled cap griping
means for pushing-in, pulling-out, and twisting an elongated spike into
the mouth of the squeeze tube so that the spike can either minimize the
amount of unwanted hardening of the any unused adhesive in the squeeze
tube or to penetrate the resulting unwanted hardened solids at or near the
mouth of the squeeze tube so as to create a fluid exit route for any
remaining unused paste so that the contents are efficiently stored and
used. The knurled knob or knurled cap also provides a safe means of
preventing the user from being exposed to any unwanted unused adhesive
onto the user's fingers and hands.