The invention--Ayurvedic Scale--is a machine that physically represents or models the philosophical essence of the ancient science and philosophy of Ayurveda in the form of a tri-armed scale. The Ayurvedic Scale's primary function is to assist users in determining and visually representing their current spiritual state as well as their underlying Ayurvedic body type, which are both helpful in evaluating immediate choices using Ayurvedic philosophy. It also serves to act as a visual model in helping users to more clearly understand the complexities of Ayurveda, to provide a physical reminder of Ayurveda's suggested foci in the user's life, and to act as a decorative model, which reflects the owner's interest in Ayurveda. The invention is meant to embody two of Ayurveda's core foci--simplicity and balance.


< Ayurvedic scale

< Ayurvedic scale

> Hoop for indicating when a basketball passes therethrough

> System and method for collecting and managing data

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