A guided aerial delivery device which safely and precisely delivers a
standard vehicle, personnel and/or cargo, from a high-flying aircraft, to
a precise target or location. In the preferred embodiment, the aerial
delivery device generally comprises a cage-like module, which encloses and
secures a standard, motorized vehicle, a large "ram-air" type gliding
parachute, a"drogue" parachute and a "fly-by-wire" control system. The
vehicle, typically an ATV, needs no modification. The delivery device
employs an onboard human pilot to navigate the module. Upon exiting the
aircraft, a drogue parachute stabilizes the freefall of the vehicle and
releases the large "ram-air" parachute. The use of a skilled pilot allows
the aerial delivery device to be guided to a designated landing site. Upon
landing, the vehicle is easily detached from its parachute member and
driven away. The cage-like module can be removed from the vehicle in a
matter of minutes, or in a preferred application it can be left on the
vehicle for future drops and utilized for mission specific tasks on the
ground, such as mounting supplies, weapons, instruments etc. The vehicle
is fully functional with the cage-like module attached. In an alternate
embodiment, a non-powered vehicle is integrated with the enclosure to act
as a training vehicle. Upon landing, the training vehicle is simply
hitched to a motorized vehicle and driven off.