A hydrogen storage and supply apparatus is described. The apparatus has a
container that includes a cold enclosure. A porous material capable of
occluding hydrogen pervades the cold enclosure. The porous material
contains a plurality of light elements including Be, B, C, N, O, F, Mg, P,
S, Li, Na, Al, Si and Cl. The cold enclosure can have a temperature in a
range between about 30K and 270K and can withstand pressures up to about
50 bara. The container can have a layered wall structure with at least two
walls, and there can be a cavity between the walls, which can provide
thermal insulation. A hydrogen-consuming system is described in which the
hydrogen storage and supply apparatus is used to provide hydrogen to a
hydrogen-fueled device. A hydrogen production and distribution system,
which used the hydrogen storage and supply apparatuses is described.
Methods of storing, supplying and using hydrogen are also described.