Systems and methods for detecting and resolving interference between two IR
signals in a remote control system. The two IR signals may include primary
signals emitted from a remote control device to a first consumer
electronics device and relayed signals sent from the first consumer
electronics device to a second consumer electronics device using an IR
blaster, or emitter. In order to minimize the likelihood of interference
between the signals at the second consumer electronics device, the IR
emitter does not begin transmitting the relayed signals until the primary
signals are no longer being emitted. If, however, the remote control
device begins to send another primary signal while the IR emitter is
sending the relayed signals, the systems and methods include provisions
for resolving any data loss that may result. Upon sensing the
interference, the IR emitter sends a reset signal that places the
secondary consumer electronics device in a known state. Next, the IR
emitter sends the previously transmitted relayed signals, including the
one that was interfered with and those that were lost due to the reset