Verbena plant named `Bodcomwhi`


A new and distinct cultivar of Verbena plant named `Bodcomwhi`, characterized by its compact, upright and mounded plant habit; freely branching habit; dense and bushy growth habit; dark green-colored leaves; and white-colored flowers with flowers held above and beyond the foliage.

Um cultivar novo e distinto da planta do verbena nomeou o ` Bodcomwhi`, caracterizou-o por suas compacto, verticalidade e mounded o hábito de planta; hábito livremente ramificando; hábito denso e bushy do crescimento; folhas verde-coloridas escuras; e as flores branco-coloridas com flores prenderam acima e além do foliage.


< Lilac plant named `Baildust`

< Peach tree named `TexPrince`

> Anagallis plant named `Wildcat Blue`

> Anthurium plant named `Gentle Love`

~ 00124