Process for the preparation of anti-ischemic and anti-hypertensive drug
amlodipine besylate [2-{(2-aminoethoxy)-methyl-4-(2-chlorophenyl) 3-ethoxy
carbonyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-6-methyl-1,4-dihydropyridine} benzene
sulphonate]. Phthalic anhydride is condensed with monoethanol amine at C. The resulting N-(2-hydroxyethyl) phthalimide is coupled
with 4-chloroethyl acetoacetate in the presence of sodium hydride in an
organic solvent in an inert atmosphere at -11 to C.
Ethyl-4-[-2(phthalimido) ethoxy] acetoacetate formed is coupled with
orthochloro benzaldehyde in the presence of pyridine salt at
C. Ethyl-2-(2-chloro benzylidine)4-[-2(phthalimido) ethoxy] acetoacetate
fanned is condensed with methyl amino crotonate at C. in the
presence of acetic acid to form phthaloyl amlodipine
[2-(2-Phthalimidoethoxy) methyl-3-carboethoxy
1(chlorophenyl)-S-carbomethoxy-6-methyl-1,4-dihydropyridin] which is
purified by dissolving in an organic solvent in the ratio 1:2-1:5 w/v and
precipitated by the addition of water at C. Purified
phthaloyl amlodipine is hydrolysed with methylamine in the presence of a
protic solvent at C. Amlodipine base [2-(aminoethoxy)
opyridin] formed is reacted with benzene sulfonic acid. The resulting
amlodipine besylate is purified in an organic solvent at C.
and precipitated by the addition of an insoluble solvent.
Процесс для подготовки сульфоната анти-iwemicnyx и anti-hypertensive снадобья amlodipine besylate [ 2-{(2-aminoethoxy)-methyl-4-(2-chlorophenyl) 3-ethoxy carbonyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-6-methyl-1,4-dihydropyridine} коксобензола ]. Фталиевый ангидрин сконденсирован с амином monoethanol на Ч. Приводя к N-(2-hydroxyethyl) фталимид соединен с acetoacetate 4-chloroethyl in the presence of гидрид натрия в органическом растворителе в инертной атмосфере на -11 к Ч. Сформированное acetoacetate ethoxy 3tila-4$-[-2(phthalimido) ] соединено с бензальдегидом orthochloro in the presence of соль пиридина на Дуют acetoacetate ethoxy C, котор Ethyl-2-(2-chloro benzylidine)4-[-2(phthalimido) ] сконденсировано с метиловым амино crotonate на C in the presence of укусная кислота для того чтобы сформировать amlodipine phthaloyl [ 2-(2-Phthalimidoethoxy) methyl-3-carboethoxy й(чюлоропюеныл)-С-чарбометюохы-6-metilovoe-1.4-dihydropyridin ] очищено путем растворять в органическом растворителе в коэффициенте 1:2-1:5 w/v и осаждено добавлением воды на C Очищенное amlodipine phthaloyl hydrolysed с метиламином in the presence of protic растворитель на C сформированное opyridin основания Amlodipine [ 2-(aminoethoxy) methyl-3-carboethoxy-4-(2-chlorophenyl)-5-carbomethoxy-6-methyl-1,4-dihydr ] прореагировано с кислотой коксобензола сульфоновой. Приводя к besylate amlodipine очищено в органическом растворителе на Ч. и осаждено добавлением неразрешимого растворителя.