A method for driving a printing press includes driving, in a printing
operation, via a gear train by at least a first motor, at least one drum
for advancing printing material and a printing-form cylinder, processing
angle-of-rotation signals of the drum in a control device for controlling
the driving of the drum and the form cylinder, and driving, in a
printing-form production operation in the printing press, a printing-form
cylinder by a separate motor. The method further includes, in an operation
for producing the printing form, synchronously actuating the first motor
and the separate motor by providing a gear allocated to the driving of the
printing-form cylinder, and an adjacent gear allocated to the driving of
the drum of the gear train, the gears being disposed relative to one
another at the most out of contact with one another, and at the least
barely in engagement with one another so as to exert a slight pressure on
one another, and a device for performing the method.