Anigozanthos plant named `Bush Spark`


A new and distinct cultivar of Anigozanthos plant named `Bush Spark`, characterized by its compact and upright plant habit; moderately vigorous growth habit; freely and continuous flowering habit; branched flowering stems; and bright red to red purple-colored flowers.

Un cultivar nuevo y distinto de la planta de Anigozanthos nombró el ` Bush Spark`, caracterizado por su hábito de planta compacto y vertical; hábito moderado vigoroso del crecimiento; libremente y hábito floreciente continuo; vástagos florecientes ramificados; y rojo brillante a las flores pu'rpura-coloreadas rojas.


< Dahlia plant named `Balnovburs`

< Geranium plant named `KLEP02102`

> Pittosporum plant named `Golf Ball`

> Globularia plant named `His Eye Ball`

~ 00143