Dahlia plant named `Balnovburs`


A new and distinct cultivar of Dahlia plant named `Balnovburs`, characterized by its upright plant habit; freely branching habit; semi-double type inflorescences; and yellow and red-colored ray florets.

Un nouveau et distinct cultivar d'usine de dahlia a appelé le ` Balnovburs`, caractérisé par son habitus de la plante droit ; habitude s'embranchante librement ; type inflorescences de semi-finale-double ; et fleurons jaunes et rouge-colorés de rayon.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Chrysanthemum plant named `Festive Yoursula`

< Calibrachoa plant named `Wescacherryno`

> Geranium plant named `KLEP02102`

> Anigozanthos plant named `Bush Spark`

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