Importation of automatically generated content


The present invention is directed to a system for automatically recording information indicative of actions of an author in completing steps in an overall task performed on a user interface. Recording systems are used to record the steps taken to perform the task on different computers having different configurations. The recorded steps are then imported into an authoring component where the recorded steps are arranged into a desired content.

La actual invención se dirige a un sistema para automáticamente la información de grabación indicativa de acciones de un autor en terminar pasos en una tarea total realizada en un interfaz utilizador. Los sistemas de la grabación se utilizan para registrar los pasos tomados para realizar la tarea en diversas computadoras que tienen diversas configuraciones. Los pasos registrados entonces se importan en un componente que es autor donde los pasos registrados se arreglan en un contenido deseado.


< Time-aware best-effort hole-filling retry method and system for network communications

< Assembling verbal narration for digital display images

> Component dependency matrices

> Reformulating resources with nodes reachable from defined entry points

~ 00149