Polarized lens formed by injection/coining injection molding process


A polarized lens formed by an injection/coining injection molding process is disclosed. The polarized lens includes a polarizing insert formed from a polarizer sandwiched between two layers of cellulosic material. The polarizing insert is surrounded by high-impact polymer formed by a two-step injection/coining process of injection molding that results in minimal stress in the lens.

Uma lente polarizada deu forma por um processo do molde de injeção de injection/coining é divulgada. A lente polarizada inclui uma inserção polarizando dada forma de um polarizer imprensado entre duas camadas de material cellulosic. A inserção polarizando é cercada pelo polímero high-impact dado forma por um processo two-step de injection/coining do molde de injeção esse resultados no stress mínimo na lente.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Polarized lens formed by injection/coining injection molding process

< Thermoformable polarized lens with substrate having adjusted glass transition temperature

> Thermoformable polarized lens with substrate having adjusted glass transition temperature

> Polarized lens formed by injection/coining injection molding process

~ 00151