Lightweight gypsum board product and method of manufacture


A method of making a gypsum board includes mixing together gypsum and water in a mixer to form a gypsum slurry; discharging the gypsum slurry onto a first facing sheet; laying a second facing sheet on top of the discharged gypsum slurry; passing the gypsum slurry and facing sheets through a forming station to form the slurry to a desired thickness; allowing the formed gypsum slurry to set; removing at least one of the facing sheets from the set gypsum; cutting the set gypsum into boards; and drying the cut gypsum boards.

Um método de fazer uma placa do gypsum inclui misturar junto o gypsum e a água em um misturador para dar forma a uma pasta do gypsum; descarregando a pasta do gypsum no os primeiros revestimentos sheet; colocar segundos revestimentos sheet no alto da pasta descarregada do gypsum; passando a pasta e enfrentar do gypsum folhas através de uma estação dando forma dar forma à pasta a uma espessura desejada; permitindo que a pasta dada forma do gypsum ajuste-se; removendo ao menos um dos revestimentos sheets do gypsum do jogo; cortando o gypsum do jogo em placas; e secando as placas do gypsum do corte.


< Gypsum board having polyvinyl alcohol binder in interface layer and method for making the same

< In radiant wall and ceiling hydronic room heating or cooling systems, using tubing that is fed hot or cold water, the tubing is embedded in gypsum or cement wallboard in intimate thermal contact therewith so that the wallboard heats or cools the room


> Water-resistant gypsum formulations

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