A presentation of textual material is provided in a "role-play" reading
format which has text corresponding to the dialogue of a plurality of
characters in order to facilitate reading aloud in a group. The text for
the dialogue of a plurality of characters is presented in a different
indicia throughout substantially all the presentation. Preferably the
indicia is color so the dialogue for each character is in a different
color. The test for each character is also selected and presented at a
level corresponding to the reading level of the reader selecting or
assigned to read each character. The text is preferably selected from
among a plurality of texts pre-written at substantially different reading
levels. The reading material can be presented on paper, or on media
suitable for display on an electronic screen. The text for each character
is in a size and font suitable for the reading level of the reader
selecting or assigned to read the dialogue for the character. A legend on
each page of the reading material correlates the identity of each reader
with the character or characters selected or assigned to be read by each
reader, and with the indicia applied to the dialogue for each character.