An apparatus and method for treating a long bone fracture in the limb of
an animal wherein a non-invasive technique is provided for intermittently
inducing a shortening in length of the skeletal musculature surrounding
the long bone, whereby a compressive force may be intermittently applied
to the fractured bone. Suitably a radial inward force is applied
substantially fully around the circumference to the limb, by an
inflatable cuff or sleeve, that is transmitted to the surrounding
muscles. Alternatively, electrical signals cause active contraction of
the musculature. The treatment may include the application of about 55 to
65 compressions each day for at least 10 days, and commencing within
about 7 days of the fracture being sustained. The compressions, applied
with frequency in the range of 0.05 Hz to 2 Hz, are desirably just short
of that which produces fracture site pain and the intensity of the
compressions may be increased between treatment sessions, consistent with