Apparatus (10) for performing patterned cleaning of substrate surfaces (11)
includes substrate (11), energetic beam (12) directed to the substrate
(11), material carrier element (14) having a deposition layer (16), and a
control unit (8) operating the apparatus (10) in either a "material
removal" or a "material transfer" mode in a predetermined sequence. In the
"material removal" mode, the following steps are followed which include
the material carrier element (14) from the intersection with the energy
beam (12) and allowing impinging of the energy beam (12) on the surface of
the substrate in a predetermined patterned fashion so that the material of
the substrate is disintegrated at predetermined locations of the substrate
surface (11). After the first cleaning, the control unit (18) changes the
mode of the operation to the "material transfer" by moving the material
carrier element (14) into position intersecting with the energy beam (12)
so that the material of the deposition layer (16) is deposited on the
surface of the substrate (11).