Permanent, removable tissue markings


The present invention provides microparticles that create permanent tissue markings, such as tattoos, designed in advance for change and/or removal on demand, as well as methods for implanting the microparticles in tissue and changing and/or removing the resulting markings. Colored microparticles are constructed with specific electromagnetic absorption and/or structural properties that facilitate changing and/or removing tissue markings made using the microparticles by applying specific energy (such as electromagnetic radiation from a laser or flash-lamp) to the tissue marking site.

A invenção atual fornece os microparticles que críam markings permanentes do tecido, tais como os tattoos, projetados adiantado para a mudança e/ou a remoção na demanda, métodos para implanting os microparticles no tecido e mudar e/ou remover os markings resultantes. Os microparticles coloridos são construídos com absorption eletromagnético específico e/ou propriedades estruturais que facilitam mudar e/ou remover os markings do tecido feitos usando os microparticles aplicando a energia específica (tal como a radiação eletromagnética de um laser ou de uma flash-lâmpada) ao local do marking do tecido.


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