A confocal spacer switch for a fast, non-contacting determination of the
spacing includes a point-shaped element that simultaneously transmits and
receives light, imaging optics that form an image of the light-emitting
element on a switching range and a light detection device that is coupled
to the light-receiving element and emits a signal if an at least partially
reflecting object enters the switching range and reflected light falls
onto on the light-receiving element. The light-emitting and the
light-receiving element preferably is realized with an optical waveguide
end. As a result, the optical spacer switch can be divided into two
modules that are connected via the optical waveguide, wherein a purely
optical module can be realized in a compact and lightweight manner. A
method for inserting components on substrates, uses the spacer switch, for
which the insertion speed of the components is reduced immediately prior
to inserting them. Thus, the impact of the component with the substrate is
reduced, for an on the whole fast insertion operation.