A thin type printed circuit board with an enclosed capacitor of a large
capacitance. The printed circuit board includes metal sheet 11 having
roughed surface presenting micro-irregularities, a dielectric film for
capacitor 12 covering the surface of the metal sheet, and a first
electrically conductive layer of electrically conductive resin 13 covering
the surface of the dielectric film. A second electrically conductive layer
14 is provided on the surface of the first electrically conductive layer
in a region of via for cathode side connection 18. The metal sheet and the
first and second electrically conductive layers are encapsulated by resin
15. The via for cathode side connection 18, obtained on boring through the
resin 15 until reaching the second electrically conductive layer 14, is
coated with an electrode 20. A via for anode side connection 19 obtained
on boring through the resin 15 is coated with an electrode 21 that is
insulated from the second electrically conductive layer 13 by the resin