Eye gaze control of dynamic information presentation


A hands-free system uses eye gaze information from an eye gaze tracking device to continuously control the rate and direction of scrollable information presented on a display in a natural manner. Initially, images begin scrolling on the display at an initial rate. An eye tracking device is used to determine the area on the display that the user is gazing. If the gaze remains fixed near an anchor position, this indicates that the images are scrolling at a comfortable speed for the user to read the information. However, if the gaze begins to drift towards the side of the display where information is appearing, the scroll rate is increased since this indicates that the text is scrolling too slowly. Conversely, if the user's gaze is detected to move toward the side of the screen where information is disappearing, the scroll rate is decreased since this indicates that the user is falling behind. If the user's gaze gets too close to the side of the screen where information is disappearing the scroll direction may be reversed.

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