A phonetic transliteration card display includes a display board to which a plurality
of display cards can be secured removably. The card display enables a person who
speaks a first language, but not a second language, to speak simple phrases in
the second language and be understood by a listener who speaks only the second
language. This result is accomplished by displaying a source phrase in the first
language on each display card, along with a target phrase that constitutes a translation
of the source phrase in the second language. A phonetic transliteration of the
target phrase is displayed in the first language. When the phonetic transliteration
is read aloud by the speaker, the listener will hear, and therefore understand,
the target phrase. The cards can be color-coded by subject matter, if desired.
The display board contains a chamber that permits a number of display cards to
be stored. The display board is constructed such that a number of similar boards
can be connected to each other. This permits a number of display cards to be viewed simultaneously.