A computer-implemented method of quickly determining whether two or more electronic
devices are communicatively compatible is described. The method includes reading
a plurality of input parameter data associated with a first electronic device and
a plurality of output parameter data associated with a second electronic device;
analyzing the pluralities of input and output parameter data by determining whether
they comply with a plurality of communication compatibility rules; generating results
from the analysis; and providing a visual display of the results. The results identify
which input and output parameter data do and do not comply with these rules, and
thus whether and to what extent the devices are communicatively compatible. As
one example, the input parameter data of the first electronic device may include
a maximum high input voltage VIHmax, a minimum high input voltage VIHmin,
a maximum low input voltage VILmax, and a minimum low input voltage
VILmin; and the output parameter data of the second electronic device
may include a maximum high output voltage VOHmax, a minimum high output
voltage VOHmin, a maximum low output voltage VOLmax, and
a minimum low output voltage VOLmin. In this case the communication
compatibility rules specify that VOHmaxVIHmax, VOHmaxVIHmin,
VOLmaxVILmax, and VOLminVILmin
for device compatibility.