Time balance based prepaid subscriber database and reporting


A time remaining determination module is implemented in a prepaid service to maintain and/or report subscriber account information based on accurately determined time remaining, even in light of replenishments using differing rate plans and/or dollar values. In particular, the inventive approach utilizes a reporting module which accurately accounts for and determines the total minutes remaining in a subscriber's account by accommodating and adjusting for each potentially different rate plan associated with each recharge or replenishment. This enables the service provider not only to accurately report the account balance in terms of time remaining at any convenient time (e.g., during the call process), but also to correctly manage the subscriber account and call duration.

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< Calling party ringtone selection in telephone system

< Method for storing on a computer network a portion of a communication session between a packet source and a packet destination

> Method for redirecting calls to a messaging system during an active call

> Database updated in a mobile communication system

~ 00186